Take your Barrel Racing to the Next Level!

An online coaching program that teaches you how to compete against the professionals without being able to spend countless hours in saddle.

Join our mailing list today

and get a COMPLIMENTARY lesson with every newsletter!

We’ll show you how to use the time that you have to get as far ahead as possible with a minimum, consistent 1/2 off your run time.

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* Limited amount of attendees *

Join our mailing list today

and get a COMPLIMENTARY lesson with every newsletter!

We’ll show you how to use the time that you have to get as far ahead as possible with a minimum, consistent 1/2 off your run time.

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* Limited amount of attendees *

Our Mission For You And Your Horse:

You will receive INSTANT access to our lessons and replays
when you sign up for one of our memberships!

Sounder, Happier Horse

Our program works for each individual horse depending on their own specific needs! Your horse will be so much happier when you understand their body better!

Faster Runs

1/2 second off the clock, guaranteed, with unlimited private coaching and lifetime access to our lessons and life learning.

Eliminate Frustrations

You will know why things work and why they don’t for both you and your horse and know how to change it. This Eliminates your frustrations finally!

The Program

We are VERY different from other online-based Courses/Programs
in the BEST way!

Take Your Barrel Racing To The Next Level

by joining the
Performance Horse Academy

Limited amount of attendees!