I enjoy writing from what I research and experience in my adventures – Enjoy!
Aleaha & Showgirl – When does the clock reward you?
Will and work ethic are not enough, but if you combine it with knowledge, you become unstoppable. Samantha Winslow Celebrating Success – Aleaha & Showgirl Persistence with work ethic second…
The worms that don’t show up in Fecal Counts & cause inflammation in the Flanks
I am always reluctant to add poison to a horse and have been asking for more information on the worming protocol recommended by a lot of Osteopaths. I started out…
Run Once Measure Twice – Saddle Fit
This is a replay of one of our free series – we encourage you to take our human & horse saddle fit course to find out all of the information…
Identity Crisis – “A Trainer”
The title “Barrel Horse Trainer” gets thrown around like confetti at a 1980’s wedding. SO many horse riders like the idea of being or identifying as a horse trainer,…
She wrecked a lot of good horses in her day
She wrecked a lot of good horses in her day….. Although it wasn’t her fault. She tried. She tried every clinic she could afford to get to. She tried every…
What “Factually” Happened in Your Run?
How many days old were you when you thought you made up a new word “Factually” and then googled it and found it in the dictionary as an Ad-Verb. …
All we need is just a little Patience
In my head, when you read the title, you now have the same iconic Guns N Roses song in your head as I did when writing this. You can hear…
Why chasing a “Win” isn’t going to help you Win anything
There are so many sayings with the word “Win” in relation to sports, but none of them really get down to the nitty gritty of why chasing that word in…
Who is holding your measuring stick?
What measuring stick? What is this lady babbling about this week? Who even uses a measuring stick anymore? Is she talking about the ones people use to stick horses for…
This ain’t no Salsa Dance, leave the “Fancy” moves on the dance floor
Are we bored with our setup? Are clinicians running out of content so they bring in something “new” or more complicated to try to add to their clinics? It has…
Parrots & Sheep in the Barrel Patch
What do I mean Parrots & Sheep in the barrel pen? Don’t worry, you didn’t miss a viral video. Other than an Ed Wright video a few years ago…
Stop Blaming Your Bit
Stop blaming your bit. Your bit has a bigger impact on the clock if you are in the approx 7-8% of elite riders that have a honed feel to the…
How to Train your Dragon (or not)
One consistent theme shines through when competitors are winning at a high level. Their trusty mounts have strong personalities and/or some quirks, all of them, usually pretty long lists…
Bred the Same “<>” The Same Horse
Are you treating your horse for who they are, or are you pigeonholing/stereotyping your horse? The most common reasons Barrel Racers buy or breed barrel racing prospects are: -they…
Your Saddle Seat Size “<>” Your Self Worth
In accounting the greater than and less than sign in combination (<>) means “not equal to”. We use it in auditing and reconciling to show which trial balances do…
Breeding Pedigrees and Odds of Outcomes
Have you ever wondered how and why crossing the exact same combination of mares and stallions doesn’t result in offspring with the same traits? Welcome to the EXCITING world of…