
Feet – How to map the foot from the bottom & side – How it shows in our horses posture

***This lesson may be shared with your farrier*** just copy and paste the Web link to send to them – it is not to be posted publicly on social media Caudal Hoof Collapsehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQzFsi0-318&t=371s Trimming & Mappinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfEzM_SPemQ&t=572s Mapping for Shoeing:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvPMoNWv7R4&t=14s National Directory for ELPO Certified Farriers: https://www.e-hoofcare.com/support/search/farrier/elpomemlist.html How to see the collapse/angles through the tubules:

Hind End Posture & Stretching – getting the square back
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Hind End Posture & Stretching – getting the square back

There are a lot of great videos below on assessing and stretching the hind end VIDEO YOURSELF DOING IT – so you can review after and make sure you are getting the desired results in both your horse being comfortable and getting the posture we are looking for Equine Neurologic Exam by Mark DePaolo, DVM…