Sternum Lift – Show Cane while walking
This is a game changer with retraining the sternum to stay elevated through movement
This is a game changer with retraining the sternum to stay elevated through movement
The Cecum: Key to Your Horse’s Digestive Health July 08, 2015 By Deb M. Eldredge, DVM Despite the fact that the cecum is one of the most important parts of a horse’s digestive system, most horse owners ignore (or don’t fully understand the functions of) it until their horse shows signs of upset. What is…
I am always reluctant to add poison to a horse and have been asking for more information on the worming protocol recommended by a lot of Osteopaths. I started out by asking an Osteopath (not the one I currently use) about the proof – surely their had to be a way to TELL that our…
Student Updates – This is Kelsie’s mare after a week – note the topline and underline! Such a great session with Sandy the founder from G’s – SO MUCH INFORMATION UPDATE SINCE THIS EPISODE – G’S NOW HAS AN OPTION FOR INTERNATIONAL (USA) STUDENTS – CHECK OUT THEIR WEBSITE BY CLICK HERE Sandy had some…