How to do your Blueprint or Saddle Fit:
To complete your blueprint or Saddle Fit, I need the following measurements, pictures and videos – when you have all of the information, you are going to upload it in 3 steps, clicking on the upload options below
Step 1 – Horse & Human Measurements:
Horses Barn Name*
Year Horse was born*
How long have you been riding this horse?*
How wide is your horse from the middle of each knee on the front legs?*
How tall is your horse from the SI (tallest point of the hip) to the ground?*
How long is the distance from the hock line to the hip joint?*
How long is the distance from the hock line to the center of the fetlock joint?*
Do YOU or your horse have any chronic lameness/injuries that affect movement?*
What do you feel your biggest time stealer is right now?*
Saddle details including Model, Seat Size, Bar Angle
Step 2 – Horse Pictures: If you are going to resize your images to make them upload faster, makes sure they are still 1000 pixels wide
Picture #1 – Front view of feet and chest – try to have the front feet somewhat square unless the horse never stands that way and I need to see the shoulder points
Picture 2 – Hind View of back legs – You stand right at the back between your horses legs – put an elastic or braid on the horses tail o I can see the Gascon & Groin ON BOTH SIDES :). I need to see the SI – so take it from your chest height or higher if you are short.
Picture 3 – Left Side View – nothing on horse
Picture 4 – Right Side View – nothing on horse
Picture 5 Side View – saddle only – no pad – no girth done up – walk the horse in a big 30 foot circle so the saddle sits where it wants to – then take the girth off so I can see how level the saddle is, then take picture
Picture 6 Saddle Front View – saddle only – no pad – no girth done up – Take a picture showing the front of your saddle against your horse
Picture 7 – Side View – saddle with pad cinched up
Picture 8 – Side View – You on horse with full competition tack – holding reins like you would for a run
Picture 9 – Side View – Put a measuring tape across your saddle from the swells (pommel) to the cantle and send the picture – this can be on a saddle stand
Step 3 – Videos
1. Upload a recent run video or practice if it is a futurity horse or a horse that isn’t entering yet
2. Upload a video of you Walk, trotting and loping and running (if level appropriate) on both leads with your camera propped on a tripod or on something – I need 5 or 6 steps in each gate each lead, so make sure you are far enough away from the camera to catch that – when your horses left side is to the camera, be on your left lead, horses right side is to the camera be on your right lead