Special Report – Hauling in the Heat

What an amazing community we have. Ask and you shall have answers.

Thank you to Anne-marie for the great question, for those of us that are not used to hauling in the heat.

Here is a great list of tried and tested methods from professional trainers who haul long distances and race in the heat all the time:

-Always use a mask on your horses eyes while hauling even if you have screens – the wind flow creates flying debris

-Always have water in front and use electrolytes if they are drinking a lot to make sure they stay balanced.

-Make sure horse has access to salt

-2-3 bags of cubed ice mixed in the shavings per horse/per stall

-Hose your horses off before hauling and every time you stop

-Don’t use the 1st stall if you don’t have to – not as good of air flow

-Wet Polo/Leg wraps to keep legs cool/supported

-If you have stud wall/full gates drill air flow holes in them

-All windows open as much as possible

-If your trailer didn’t come with bars to keep your horses heads in – you can get screens on amazon – Search Horse Trailer Window Screens and there are a multitude of sizes.